Rätsel des Unbewußten

Rätsel des Unbewußten

Podcast zur Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie

Episode 9: Theater of Minds—On Dramaturgic Awareness

Rätsel des Unbewußten

The world is a stage—the couch too? So many scenes, sometimes even true dramas, play out in our minds. In everyday life we slip into the most diverse roles; the two protagonists we call patient and therapist are no exception. This episode deals with how, within the therapeutic setting, our unconscious sets the stage for these roles and how psychoanalysts understand these situations.

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Literature Recommendations:

  • Hoppe, K. D. (1977). Destruction-Reconstruction of Language and Forms of Interaction: Clinical Aspects of Lorenzer’s Concepts. In Contemporary Psychoanalysis13: 52-63
  • Joseph, B. (1985). Transference: the total situation. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 66, 447—454.
  • Lorenzer, A. & Orban, P. (1978). Transitional Objects and Phenomena: Socialisation and Symbolisation. In Between Reality and Phantasy. Eds. S. A. Grolnick & L. Barkin. London: Jason Aronson, ch. 28, pp. 469—482
  • Vollstedt, T. (2013). The work of Alfred Lorenzer. The other scene: Psychoanalysis and its applications.


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